At the end of an investigation, DCF must first choose whether or not to substantiate the allegations. While not as serious as a finding of criminal guilt, it’s essentially the same, DCF found enough evidence pointing to the truth of the allegation. Second, DCF can recommend you for placement on the central registry for child abuse and neglect. This could be detrimental to your job as a nurse currently or in the future as it could be a red flag for employers. If you work with kids, DCF may further seek to prevent you from working with kids in the future. A DCF defense attorney defends Connecticut nurses in investigations to protect their careers.
If DCF comes knocking at your door it is important to understand your rights. The biggest right you need to assert is your right to have an attorney with you. Do not answer questions without an attorney present, anything you say can be used against you. A DCF defense attorney can be a liaison between you and DCF, gather evidence to refute the allegations, and walk you through the sometimes-confusing process.
The Department of Children and Families investigates instances of suspected child abuse and neglect. There are several categories of abuse and neglect including physical, emotional, sexual, and educational. You can learn more about the process of investigating an allegation to DCF by clicking here. Once DCF begins their investigation they will look for evidence to corroborate the report predominantly by speaking to people.
For nurses in Connecticut, this could involve speaking with co-workers and supervisors, especially if the alleged abuse or neglect is connected to a patient. Further, DCF and the police may work together. Risk of injury to a minor is a serious crime that often goes hand in hand with a DCF investigation, to learn more click here.
An allegation of child abuse or neglect should be taken very seriously. Nurses in Connecticut have their reputation and future to look out for, and having an attorney by your side during a DCF investigation could be a smart first step. Check out our hundreds of 5-star client reviews on, and give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you.