
Getting Out of a DCF Ongoing Services Case in Connecticut

  • Connecticut DCF gets involved with your family by opening an investigation.
  • DCF can substantiate findings of abuse or neglect against you and must do so within 45 days.
  • After a DCF substantiation, they can stay in your life and require you to participate in in Ongoing Services.
  • If Connecticut DCF wants to stay involved in your family life, contact an experienced Connecticut DCF defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Who is Connecticut DCF?

DCF stands for Department of Children and Families. DCF is an agency in charge of investigating reports of abuse and neglect of children. To learn more about DCF, click here.

How Long Does a Connecticut DCF Investigation Last?

A Connecticut DCF investigation must be completed in 45 days. During this time, investigators will be looking for evidence to corroborate allegations. They will want to speak with you and your children and visit your home. A DCF attorney can be by your side preparing you for these meetings so you are in the best position to advocate for your family.

What Happens at the End of a Connecticut DCF Investigation?

If DCF opened a full investigation, the case will end with DCF either substantiating or dismissing (choosing to not substantiate) the allegations against you. DCF will also determine whether your name will be included on the DCF Central Registry. You can appeal both of these decisions.

Can DCF Stay in My Life After 45 Days?

Yes. DCF can refer you to “Ongoing Services”. They can do this regardless of the outcome of your investigation. They can even impose ongoing services if you were on the less serious investigation track called the Family Assessment Response.

What are DCF Ongoing Services?

Connecticut DCF’s Ongoing Services is continuous monitoring by DCF because they do not feel comfortable just letting you and your family out of their purview. You get a new social worker that interviews your whole family all over again and creates a case plan. Typically, a case plan is for 3 to 6 additional months.

Do I have to Participate in DCF’s Ongoing Services?

No but if you do not cooperate, DCF will escalate the matter. While DCF alone cannot force you to participate, they will involve a judge by filing a neglect petition in Superior Court and asking the judge to order you to cooperate with their conditions. This is especially true in high risk cases.

How Do I Get Out of DCF’s Ongoing Services?

The best way to get out of DCF’s ongoing services is to show DCF that your family does not need them. The top Connecticut DCF defense attorneys can help you show DCF that ongoing services are not needed. Getting help your family needs is important, but maintaining autonomy and privacy is just as important so that you can continue to care for your family without DCF involvement.

Call a Top Connecticut DCF Defense Attorney About Getting Out of Ongoing Services

Don’t let a 45-day DCF investigation turn into 6 months of DCF being involved in your life. If you’re being investigated, or if DCF is trying to remain involved in your life through ongoing services, contact experienced Connecticut DCF attorneys who can work to get them out of your life as quickly as possible. You can see our hundreds of reviews from past clients here. Then call us today.

Client Reviews


I found Mark Sherman after doing an extensive search for DCF attorneys on the internet. He is without a doubt the most honest and straightforward attorney I have ever met. Rather than trying to push us towards an expensive engagement...

- Robert E
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